The University of Colorado Colorado Springs, is home to the “Worlds only Bachelor of Innovation Degree,” and their program mission is beautifully aligned with those of The Global Z Recording Project.
Global Z is a social change agent, designed to have a positive impact on peace-mindedness while discovering and promoting young world class musicians. We educate participants and the world by introducing them to various cultures, places, people, and genres of music. The Bachelor of Innovation (BI) program, “is aimed toward students who want to make an impact, who are destined to change their world and add value to society.”
UCCS BI Program
We had the honor of being assigned a talented team of BI students to work with us in Fall 2014. For Spring 2018, we are thrilled to have been assigned TWO student teams, which is both unusual and exciting.
Team One will be researching, designing and developing a reference resource that advises how to acoustically treat home and school room settings while recording audio to control for bouncing sound waves using common household materials. Team Two will be designing and developing a secure microphone characteristics database we can refer to that allows us to anticipate what microphones might work best while recording a specific instrument or vocal type.
The timing on the development of both resources is close to perfect. We are currently in the middle of our Phase I Proof of Concept Project and will be able to apply acoustic treatment principles to work in the near future. Also, in December, we completed our first semester of researching microphone characteristics with the assistance of Frederick Community College’s Dr. Jon Cresci and his Audio Production students.
FCC Audio Production Program
This week, we are preparing to enter into another semester of microphone testing and analysis that will be conducted over the coming months.
Thank you to our partner institutions for assisting our organization by providing valuable resources and services, while allowing us to provide real-world teaching and learning experiences to students.