Maryland Humanities has issued a SHARP Grant to Global Z. This grant is part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). We are most grateful to Maryland Humanities and the NEH for the distribution of these funds.
Delaplaine Foundation Grant
The Delaplaine Foundation has graciously provided Global Z with a grant to apply toward our Frederick Circle of Musical Unity Project (FCoMU). FCoMU applies our virtual student musician production model, but applies it towards projects focused on the local community of Frederick County. We are scheduled to launch our first annual FCoMU project by the summer of 2022. Stand by for more info!
Phase II North American Indigenous Music Project is LIVE!
Calling all North American Indigenous student musicians and songwriters! We are now accepting song submissions which will be considered for our North American Indigenous Music Project. The submission deadline is January 15, 2022. Once a song is selected, we will put out a call to student musicians to audition for the project. For more information, please visit our project web page.
“Living and Dying With COVID-19: The Maryland Stories” Goes Live!
Per our recent Press Release, “The Global Z Recording Project is pleased to announce that it has launched a project of historic importance to all Marylanders titled, ‘Living and Dying With COVID-19: The Maryland Stories.” We have partnered with 15 libraries across the state of Maryland. With funding provided by Maryland Humanities, we purchased, tested, installed, delivered, and trained library staff on the use of audio production equipment. Marylanders may visit participating libraries and record personal stories of how COVID-19 has impacted and continues to impact their lives. Their voices and stories will become part of the Enoch Pratt Free Library’s Digital Maryland and Maryland State Archives collections where they will be available to benefit all of mankind. In addition, feature stories will be distributed with the assistance of National Public Radio flagship station, WYPR. Special thanks to our pilot partner, the wonderful staff at Urbana Regional Library.
- Caroline County Public Library – Central Branch Denton
- Dorchester County Public Library – Cambridge Branch
- Frederick County – C. Burr Artz Library
- Frederick County – Urbana Regional Library (pilot partner)
- Garrett County – The Ruth Enlow Library
- Howard County Library – Glenwood Branch
- Montgomery County Public Libraries – Aspen Hill Library
- Montgomery County Public Libraries – Davis Library
- Queen Anne’s County Library – Centreville Branch
- Somerset County – Princess Anne Library
- St. Mary’s County Library
- Talbot County Free Library – Main Library
- Washington County Free Library – Central Branch
- Wicomico Public Library – Pittsville
- Worcester County Library – Ocean City
Our Thanks To Urbana Regional Library
In support of Living and Dying with COVID-19: The Maryland Stories, we have partnered with the staff or the Urbana Regional Library to pilot our project set up, processes and technologies. Special thanks to Tara Lebherz, Sarah Mias, and Donny Frank-Rice for their expertise, time and assistance!

Global Z Earns GuideStar’s Silver!
We are proud to have earned a 2021 Silver Seal of Transparency from GuideStar! For more information on GuideStar, please see the following link.
Welcome Mr. Anpao Duta Flying Earth!
It is my pleasure to welcome Mr. Anpao Duta Flying Earth as the latest member of our Board of Directors and Director of Indigenous Initiatives. Global Z is incredibly fortunate to have the talents, knowledge and experience that Duta brings to the team and our projects and we are honored to be working with him!
Penn State Law Clinic Collaborates with Global Z
Penn State Law’s Arts, Sports, & Entertainment Law Clinic is collaborating with Global Z by assisting student musicians who are participating in our Phase II North American Indigenous Music Project. PSU’s Law clinic is serving in an educational capacity to help musicians understand what the terms of our Phase II Participation Agreement mean and how it impacts them as artists. We are grateful to have the assistance of the clinic, their student attorneys, and their guiding faculty in support of the Phase II artists.
A Timely Paper Being Put To Good Use
Recently, eLearn magazine published my article, “Designing For Social Connectivity (Not Everyone Likes Webcams).” I was thrilled to discover in the first three months of publication, it had more than 500 downloads. The paper explores some of the lesser-know reasons why the use of webcams may not necessarily be the best means of communicating online in an academic setting. These concepts also apply to businesses, nonprofits, and social settings.
Living and Dying With COVID-19: The Maryland Stories Video Update
Please check out this update on our crucial and historical Maryland COVID-19 oral history project!