Lead Vocals Are Done!

Summer Grove teamed up with songwriter/singer Seth Jernigan to record a lead vocal duet on one of Seth’s original tunes and our Phase I Project song, ‘Come Home.’ They knocked it out of the park! Audio Production students at FCC did an excellent job making the song sound its technical best under the guidance of Dr. Cresci. Next up, mixing and mastering! We are so close to being finished!

Synchronous Virtual Audio Production: Navigating Turbulent Uncharted Waters

I posted an article in LinkedIn, titled, “Synchronous Virtual Audio Production: Navigating Turbulent Uncharted Waters.”


The article features virtual synchronous audio production tech-related lessons learned from our Phase I Proof of Concept Project. It seems to be generating quite a bit of interest on LinkedIn as well as on our Facebook site.

Colorado Session in the Bag

We had an excellent time recording drums, keyboard, and shaker October 6th. Our percussionist and pianist were based out the University of Colorado Colorado Spring’s Ent Center for the Arts, while Dr. Jonathan Cresci and I sat at the Control Room in Towson, MD.

Many thanks go out to the UCCS IT Team and VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) for helping us out with logistical stuff. Also, ‘hello’ to Dr. Glen Whitehead, Director of the UCCS Music Program!

Maryland Phase I Sessions Are Complete!

Wow, this has been an amazing weekend! Saturday and Sunday, The Hampton Inn and Suites by Fort Detrick kindly hosted The Global Z Recording Project. Using virtual recording technologies stretched between Frederick, MD and Towson, MD, we recorded:

  • acoustic guitar
  • electric guitar
  • bass guitar
  • backing vocals
  • fiddle
  • lead male and female vocals

Hats off to Dr. Jon! Dr. Jonathan Cresci worked long hours with us to troubleshoot the virtual recording technologies and make this possibility a reality. Without a doubt, we learned a great deal and confirmed the model and technology of choice are capable of achieving excellent virtual collaborative recordings.

We are also thankful to receive several microphones to use during the project by sE Electronics, including their brand new sE2300 multi-pattern condenser mic. The quality achieved from use of the sE mics is top-drawer.

In addition, the musicians/vocalists did an incredible job recording their individual parts. The level of talent is quite remarkable.

Next weekend, we record the Colorado session. Hard to believe this project is finally coming together since it has been in the planning stages for more than a decade. The thing is, it has taken the talent and time of so many people to make it a reality.

Global Z is dependent on the kindness and  assistance of others. Heartfelt thanks to all who contributed your time and expertise.

Musicians Locked In

We have all the musicians lined up for our first recording project and they are all truly exceptional. We are looking good to record our Maryland artists September 29-30, and our Colorado artists October 6. What a truly exciting event!

It has taken the contributions of a number of kind people and sponsors to get us here, for which we are incredibly thankful.

New Partnership With the University of New Mexico

Global Z is designed to operate and conduct its projects and daily operations virtually. While a big part of what we do is make exceptional original music, we also educate, facilitate thoughtful conversation, and develop global friendships. While we are well on our way to testing our virtual recording model, we could use some assistance with designing and developing a solution that allows for virtual discussions, discovery, community building and collaboration.
I am thrilled to announce a new partnership between The Global Z Recording Project and the University of New Mexico’s Organization, Information & Learning Sciences (OILS) program.
Under the guidance of Dr. Damien Sanchez, a student team will collaboratively work with us to design and develop a safe virtual communication, teaching and learning, and collaboration environment that can be applied toward our 2019 Phase II North America Project!
We are honored to be working alongside the fine faculty members and students of New Mexico’s flagship university.

Another Exciting Semester Ahead Working With 2 UCCS BI Student Teams

We are most fortunate to once again have the privilege of working with two new University of Colorado Colorado Springs Bachelor of Innovation Student Teams under the guidance of Dr. Jenifer Robertson! At this time, we will refrain from discussing the details of what the teams will be working on, but these are the fourth and fifth BI student teams we have had the pleasure of working with! Global Z has had highly productive results working with the fine young men and women of the BI program, and look forward to an exciting semester providing for real-world teaching and learning experiences in partnership with UCCS BI.

Colorado Tech Dry Run a Success!

We had a successful test of our virtual recording technologies between Colorado and Maryland last night. Bradley was on drums at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs’ new and spectacular Ent Performing Arts Center’s. UCCS has a gorgeous recording studio in the Ent Center, and we are fortunate to have access to their facilities. UCCS IT folks worked with Brad and Dr. Jon to make sure the computers were able to talk with each other.


Bradley set up two overhead mics, a mic on snare and a mic on kick drum. We successfully recorded all 4 tracks virtually, yielding high-quality results. Dr. Jon and I were in Jon’s Live Room in Towson, MD, tracking the session and working toward a better a better understanding of how the virtual pieces fit together. There are a few minor issues to work through, but this experience positions us one step closer toward ensuring our recording sessions will be a smashing success!

Think about it… we just successfully recorded a 4-track session between two computers more than 1600 miles apart and achieved high quality results. How cool is that?!? This was great fun!

Special thanks to Bradley, Dr. Jon Cresci, and the folks at UCCS’ IT department, and the UCCS Visual And Performing Arts (VAPA) program.