A Community Thrives Fundraiser Complete

We were thrilled to be selected to participate in USA Today’s ‘A Community Thrives’ fundraising campaign. The campaign has come to a close, and we wish to express our gratitude to those who contributed $375.00 to this fundraiser.

While we did not reach our fundraising goal, our participation in such an event was a tremendous opportunity for us to get our name and mission out to the greater public. In addition, we gained experience with what is required to participate in a crowd-fundraising campaign.

Certainly, the $375 is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use as we move forward with new ideas and strategies to generate the necessary funds to launch and maintain our global projects! With thanks.

Global Z Accepted in USA Today’s ‘A Community Thrives Challenge’

The Global Z Recording Project has been accepted to participate in USA Today’s ‘A Community Thrives’ Fundraising Challenge! Through the challenge, our goal is to raise $60,000 with which we will run our Phase II Project.


Our North America Native Music Project is quite humbling.

One out of three Native youth live in poverty and suffer from a wide range of personal, socio-cultural challenges including single motherhood, teen pregnancy, sexual abuse, and substance abuse, joblessness, failing educational systems, inadequate healthcare, violence against women and children, and an epidemic of youth suicide in Native communities.

Music plays a spiritual and healing role in the Native cultures. You can see the potential impact we might have by taking this Project to youth who are truly in need.

Help us purchase and provide audio production and video equipment to the Native musicians via donation. This Project will shine a spotlight on incredibly talented Native student musicians across the US and Canada. With your help. we can provide them with a chance to create cross-Tribal friendships, create an extended support network, provide a source of healing, and give them a way to have a public voice and be acknowledged for their musical expertise. You can help instill a sense of pride and value.

Please spread the word about our challenge and the good work we are doing so that others may learn about Global Z, and, so we might expand our range of potential donors.

Announcing Our Phase II North America Native Music Project

Our 2019 Phase II North America Native Music Project takes the power of virtual audio production to Tribal reservations and Native American Tribal communities across North America! Pivoting off of lessons learned from our Phase I Proof of Concept Project, we are opening up participation to all Native student musicians enrolled in a school that focuses or has a history of serving Native American communities.

There is much more to announce, so stay tuned!

Our First Virtual, Synchronous, Student-Based Audio Production Project is an Unequivocal Success!

What happens when you recruit 34 student musicians who vary in age from middle school to graduate school, live across Maryland and Colorado at various locales, and you decide to record them virtually in real-time to produce a commercial-quality original song? You get The Global Z Recording Project’s Phase I Proof of Concept Project.

Global Z is designed to do two primary things. We bring together student musicians from intentionally different backgrounds and – through the music production process – they make new friends while exploring differences in cultures. We promote civility & democratic processes, celebrate diversity, and teach peace-mindedness. We also create exceptional original music.

Phase I tested our technical models. This was not an easy project with numerous steep learning curves. But, everyone involved believed in what we are doing and was excited to be participating. And, everyone was patient while the production team worked out the bugs. We are thrilled with the end result and hope you enjoy, ‘Come Home.’

Many thanks to all who contributed to this incredible success.

Please get in touch if you would like to sponsor or help fund Phase II.

Exciting New Partnership – Todd Rundgren’s Spirit of Harmony Foundation!

The Global Z Recording Project is honored to be working with Todd Rundgren’s Spirit of Harmony Foundation (SOHF)! Todd is an incredible visionary, musician, talent, and a positive force in the field of music. My personal thanks to Jean and Ed at SOHF for the kindness and interest they have extended in working with Global Z. SOHF is doing some incredible work. We are excited to explore how our shared love of music and collaborative energies contribute to benefits we will be able to provide to our future exceptional student artists!

‘Come Home’ Progress

The past ten days, I have sat down with Dr. Jonathan Cresci to assemble the final mix of our Phase I song, ‘Come Home.’ Folks, it is sounding really good! Jon is going to do work his magic to come up with a final mix/master. We are on schedule to wrap up the song by end of January! Almost done!

Welcome Dr. Jonathan Cresci – Director of Audio Production

“Welcome” to Dr. Jonathan Cresci to our Board of Directors! Jon is officially our Director of Audio Production. Global Z has benefited from Jon’s production assistance over the past many months, and he brings a tremendous depth of knowledge and experience. We are thrilled to have him  as a member of our team.

Global Z to Collaborate (Again!) With UNM OILS Students

We are once again thrilled to be working with a graduate student team from the University of New Mexico OILS (Organization, Information and Learning Sciences) program for the Spring 2019 semester.


Under the guidance of Dr. Damien Sanchez, these talented students will be working to further develop our Phase II Learning Management System and collaborate with our subject matter expert scholars to design related content.

2018 – It’s A Wrap (With a Bow On Top)

When I think about December, I typically think about… well, all things holiday-related. Spending time with family, the year coming to an end, and the beginning of a new year filled with potential and possibilities. But I have to admit, this year was different. With the help of Board Members Bradley Plesz and Dr. Jan Dommerholt, I could not help but be thrilled with all Global Z achieved in 2018.

During 2018, we collaborated with our educational partners to produce some remarkable results:

  • Frederick Children’s ChoirLee Fuhr: Provided vocalists to deliver lead vocals for Phase I which provided an opportunity for them to experience recording a commercial-quality song virtually and face-to-face
  • Frederick Community College Audio Arts ProgramDr. Jonathan Cresci: An FCC student wrote the song selected for Phase I; two  FCC student musicians were recorded on the Project;  FCC audio arts students received hands-on experience testing microphones and recording musicians; Audio Arts Director, Dr. Jonathan Cresci, served as Lead Audio Engineer and Associate Producer on the Phase I Project
  • North Bethesda Middle School ChorusJason McFeaters: This award-winning chorus worked with Global Z to test microphones allowing us to discern which mics performed best while recording a middle school chorus;  students learned fundamentals of digital audio production and related equipment; twenty six members of the chorus provided backing vocals in and experienced recording a commercial-quality production virtually
  • The Academy for the Fine Arts-Frederick County Public Schools – Jonathan Kurtz: AFA provided two student musicians who were recorded for the Project
  • University of New Mexico Organization, Information & Learning Sciences – Dr. Damien Sanchez: Graduate students researched and created a virtual Learning Management System (LMS) space that will be used during Phase II. Dr. James Honeycutt of Louisiana State University provided content was uploaded into the course for successful beta testing
  • Matthew Podschweit – provided superb choral arrangements
  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs Visual and Performing ArtsDr. Glen Whitehead: VAPA sponsored our organization and provided a state-of-the-art studio space in the new Ent Center for the Performing Arts from which we recorded a drum kit and keyboards (thanks to VAPA staff, the UCCS IT Department, and Dr. Glen Whitehead – a longtime supporter of Global Z)
  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs Bachelor of Innovation ProgramDr. Jenifer Robertson: Collaborated with four student teams resulting in four separate  outcomes.
  1. Students produced an online resource that provides guidance with how to treat common spaces in preparation to record audio
  2. Microphone database – students produced an online microphone database where data about the characteristics about each microphone can be stored including photos and audio samples
  3. Microphone placement application – students produced an application that illustrates how and where to place microphones to record specific instruments
  4. Event fundraising strategy – students produced an event planning strategy as to how best to plan for and manage a 5K fundraising event near our home base in MD

A special note of thanks goes out to our sponsors. DreamHost continued to provide excellent, trouble-free, and easy to use Internet hosting services. We had yet another year of collaborating with sE Electronics who provided us with exceptional quality microphones for our Phase I recording sessions. And a big nod of thanks to Hampton Inn & Suites (Ft. Detrick, MD) for providing a live room for our Maryland-based musicians to perform from.

I also want to thank the 32 musicians as well as their families for the trust and support you have extended us to work with your talented young artists.

The song is nearly done. Dr. Cresci and I are working through January to put the final touches on it, so look for a release toward the end of the month! We will also release exciting news about Phase II in the near future. It will be a very cool Project!

Happy New Year One and All.