What an amazing year. With the help of our terrific Board Members, Volunteers, Student Interns, Student Musicians, Supporting Parents, Supporting Organizations, and Sponsors, we have successfully:
- Completed our Phase I Proof of Concept Project – Colorado and Maryland
- Completed Phase I Summative Survey and Data Analysis
- Successfully mixed and mastered Come Home
- Produced Come Home Phase I music video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Po2RQLwYV4&feature=youtu.be
- Added Dr. Jonathan Cresci to the Board – Director of Audio Production
- Applied for 80+ grants
- Received private donations
- Received grant funds from an anonymous foundation
- Acquired new mics, tripod, USB audio interfaces and video lighting
- Produced a fundraising video
- Developed Instagram site with the assistance of a student team from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs Bachelor of Innovation (c/o Dr. Jenifer Roberson)
- Conducted an analysis and action plan to improve organizational branding, visibility, and attract grant and sponsor funding with research and guidance provided by a graduate student from American University School of International Service (c/o Prof Stephanie Fischer)
- Recruited Dr. Kelly Laurila (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada), as an Indigenous Culture subject matter expert
- Changed our mission statement
- Produced a new informational and topic-related vlog – From A To Global Z: Episode 1 (currently in post-production)
- Partnered with Todd Rundgren’s Spirit of Harmony Foundation
- Established new partnership with George Mason University Law School Arts and Entertainment Clinic (c/o Dr. Sandra Aistars)
- A team of graduate students from the University of New Mexico Organization, Information, and Learning Sciences (c/o Dr. Damien Sanchez) continued work on the creation of a learning management system shell and the design and development of Phase II content with Dr. Jim Honeycutt and Dr. Kelly Laurila
- A student intern from Academy of the Fine Arts Frederick (c/o Jonathan Kurtz) conducted a characteristics analysis of microphones available to Global Z to be used during future recording projects
Every year I look back on what has been achieved and every year I stare at the computer monitor truly humbled. Five plus years since our beginning, I find myself more humbled than ever.
Our 2020 objectives are numerous and will prove to be highly informative. I hope you will continue to track our progress as we work our way toward offering truly global audio production and community-building projects.
With heart-felt thanks to all who continue in many unique ways to make this organization a reality. I wish you all peace through music and a Healthy & Happy New Year. Cheers.