Episode 8 – Why Virtual Audio Production?

Explore why The Global Z Recording Project is designed to conduct its operations and record its audio production Projects all virtually. Discover why this cutting-edge approach to doing business creates opportunities that would not be available if conducted in a face-to-face format. Also, join us for another chapter of ‘Mic Talk Time.’

From A To Global Z – Episode 3

‘Bridging the Technology Gap’

A new format for our vlog will feature a different microphone being used for each episode. This allows our viewers to hear a wide variety of microphone characteristics from a wide variety of microphones. Then, a reflection of where and when The Global Z Recording Project got its start and why it took ten years to go from concept to launch.

Episode 2 is Posted

From A To Global Z Episode 2 is posted:

This video reveals how the personal, professional, and educational experiences of Bill Lord morphed into the conceptualization and launch of The Global Z Recording Project.