Welcome Mr. Anpao Duta Flying Earth!

It is my pleasure to welcome Mr. Anpao Duta Flying Earth as the latest member of our Board of Directors and Director of Indigenous Initiatives. Global Z is incredibly fortunate to have the talents, knowledge and experience that Duta brings to the team and our projects and we are honored to be working with him!

Penn State Law Clinic Collaborates with Global Z

Penn State Law’s Arts, Sports, & Entertainment Law Clinic is collaborating with Global Z by assisting student musicians who are participating in our Phase II North American Indigenous Music Project. PSU’s Law clinic is serving in an educational capacity to help musicians understand what the terms of our Phase II Participation Agreement mean and how it impacts them as artists. We are grateful to have the assistance of the clinic, their student attorneys, and their guiding faculty in support of the Phase II artists.

A Timely Paper Being Put To Good Use

Recently, eLearn magazine published my article, “Designing For Social Connectivity (Not Everyone Likes Webcams).” I was thrilled to discover in the first three months of publication, it had more than 500 downloads. The paper explores some of the lesser-know reasons why the use of webcams may not necessarily be the best means of communicating online in an academic setting. These concepts also apply to businesses, nonprofits, and social settings.


Maryland State-Wide COVID-19 Oral History Project Ramps Up

Courtesy of a generous grant from Maryland Humanities, Global Z will be setting up audio recording gear in approximately 15 libraries across the state of Maryland. For a period of one year, library patrons will be invited to record their oral histories of how the pandemic has impacted their lives. The recordings of this crucial project will be archived in the Digital Maryland and Maryland State Archives collections, and select stories will be distributed by National Public Radio.

It is exciting to see libraries in Maryland opening back up after having doors closed for so long! In anticipation of libraries being fully accessible, we have been busy creating training and related project resources for library staff and patrons.

Next week, we will begin to collaborate with our pilot site partner, Urbana Regional Library, to begin testing technologies and related processes. We are looking forward to rolling this project out to Marylanders throughout the summer months!

Sponsor Audiomovers Partners With Abbey Road Studios

The Global Z Recording Project is fortunate to be sponsored by some amazing companies. One of these is Audiomovers. In a recent announcement, Audiomovers has shared the following awesome news…

…”We have an endless roadmap of exciting new features and products, so we have decided to team up with Abbey Road Studios to make it happen. We will be supported by Abbey Road Studios operationally and we are excited to work with their engineers to make ListenTo even better.

Global Z is proud to be in such fine, celebrated, and exceptional company. Congratulations to Audiomovers and Abbey Road Studios!