UCCS Bachelor of Innovation Team Projects Are a Complete Success!

I cannot tell you how happy and proud I am of the two student teams that were assigned to our organization this Spring. The teams were as follows:

Acoustics Team
Schylar Woods – Team Leader
Chris Breuer
Ben Dolph
Hayden Sinchak

Database Team
Eli Brainard – Team Leader
Leonardo Signorelli
Ian Giacomelli
Melissa Baumgardner
Jessica Bangs

Schylar and crew researched and developed strategies for how to treat  home and school spaces with commonly available materials to help  ensure musicians will achieve superior recordings in spaces not designed for audio production.

Eli and team researched, configured and installed a database on our DreamHost website that allows us to upload microphone characteristics data pertaining to mics in our mic locker.

Both teams did a superb job and went beyond the scope of agreement.

While I am not able to make the microphone characteristics database public due to partnership agreements, I can release a link to the work of the Acoustics Team.

DIY Acoustics

A special nod of thanks to the UCCS BI Profs. They are the master facilitators who ensure these projects happen:
Dr. Jenifer Robertson
Dr. Corrine Harmon
Dr. Nina Polok (Program Director)

I hope you derive benefit and enjoyment from the teams’ innovative and good works.

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