
Mission Statement: Uniting culturally diverse student musicians through educational virtual audio/video production experiences.

Vision Statement: Music production unites young artists in a culturally complex world.

Phase I Complete! This Is (Part of) What We Do


Phase I was completed February 2019, and has been a smashing success! We recorded ‘Come Home,’ an original composition by student Seth Jernigan with choral arrangements by Matthew Podschweit. We managed and virtually recorded 34 musicians from different locales across Maryland and Colorado!

For Phase I, we successfully achieved the following objectives:

  • Auditioned and acquired an original song to record
  • Recruited a diverse group of talented student musicians from various locales across Maryland and Colorado
  • Audio production students served as assistant audio engineers and virtually recorded the musicians from distances ranging 65-1650 miles away from the control room
  • Successfully tested our virtual audio production models and technologies
  • Mixed and mastered the multitrack production to produce a commercial-quality song
  • Produced a behind-the-scenes music video and posted the video for public viewing
  • Gathered post-project data to evaluate our successes and needs for improvements

We are thrilled with the results! We have already begun taking what we learned from this extraordinary experience and are applying it to our Phase II Indigenous Music Project. Thanks to our musicians, Board Members, volunteers, and partnering organizations for making this possible!

A HUGE NOD OF THANKS to our sponsors

The World Needs Organizations Like Global Z

The world is full of conflict and rife with culture clash. The daily media is filled with stories of destructive minds who are unwilling to accept culturally and philosophically diverse others. Being ‘different’ from these individuals can result in ostracism, abuse, assault, homicide and genocide.

The Global Z Recording Project team seeks to effect a positive holistic change by educating and mentoring exceptional young musicians and audio engineers from around the world in a safe virtual community of practice.

Music is the perfect vehicle for facilitating social change. When people are united in a musical project it creates familial bonds and forms a community of practice. By carefully designing a team-minded, dialoguing, equitable, virtual social environment, our young musicians and engineers explore their own cultures and philosophies while exploring the cultures, religions, practices and politics of others. The Global Z experience is designed by internationally recognized scholars and subject matter experts, which provides our participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to evolve into peace-minded, accepting, global citizens and leaders of tomorrow.

Every student musician has a story to tell. We provide a platform from which that story may be told with dignity.

Areas of Focus

The Global Z Recording Project is focused on addressing goals pertaining to the fields of:

  • Value of Diversity
  • Cultural Awareness
  • World Arts Education
  • Musical Artist Development
  • Audio Engineer Development
  • Peace Through Music

What’s In a Name?

Why the ‘Z’ in Global Z? In algebra, the letter z can be an unknown and can  represent many things (numbers). As our mission reaches across numerous cultural, political, gender, racial, religious, philosophical, and geospatial boundaries, our project will undoubtedly face a number of ‘unknowns.’

In audio terminology, ‘Z’ represents impedance, or a level of resistance. Similar to the analogy provided using algebraic terms, as we deal with international, intercultural, multilingual projects around the globe, we will face resistance from a variety of sources.

Whether the reference to Z be unknowns or impedance, both forms of Z hold the potential to provide for interesting, educational, and exciting intercultural exploration and music-making opportunities!